Friday 10 June 2016

so i know that glee has ended now but like why should we not talk about it so this artical is about the life of Santana Lopez so lets get started!

We meet Santana Lopez in the second episode of the hit show Glee. When she first apperd in the show it was with the unholy trinity and she said "get a room" when Will and Emma were talking because they ran into each other.

Santana Lopez was a closet lezben and now is out of the closet and is marryed to her long term best friend Brittney S. Perce

so people im sorry that this is such a short blog but i dont have alot of time these days.

Tuesday 20 January 2015


So we still have to meet rachels mom 

Well here it is

Sunday 18 January 2015


                     so this is Mr. Schuester and he is the glee couch and in this pic he is intordosing finn hudson

                                  and her rachel is telling him to stop talking 

                    and here rachel is talking to finn and she doesnt what to lose him again

                           this was the first time that rachel and finn kissed

                                                         this is santana talking about finn to kurt after finn dies

                      this is santana yelling at sue

            and here she is yelling at her again

                                 and here are some pics of after finn dies

                rachel singing about him

    and mersates singing the song he sung to his well he thought it was his baby

         puck singing to the chare that finn always sat in

        santana singing if i die young and freaks

                              and heres some randome team work

wow they have a pic together

push it


say i little prayer for you

don't stop believing